Rotary is an international service organization whose mission is to bring together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. In Rotary International, there are 34,000 clubs and 1.2 million members worldwide dedicated to “Service Above Self”.
The Rotary Club of Greenville
If you are looking to grow your network, serve your community and have fun, our club is for you. We are a networking club of industry leaders and business professionals whose service to the community and the world is making a real difference.
We meet at the Westin Poinsett, Downtown Greenville on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 12:00. Please visit our calendar to register . We have also recently added our “After Hours Club,” which meets once per month at 5:30 on the 4th Thursday in Local Cue on Orchard Park Dr. The Rotary Club of Greenville is proud to be the first Civic Organization founded in South Carolina in 1916.
Become a Member
Interested in Joining Rotary? Complete the proposal form below to get started.
Membership Proposal Form Ask a Question
Our vision
Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting Change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Discover Rotary
Join us for Discover Rotary to uncover the value Rotary can have in your personal and professional life while impacting our community and the world for good.
See Upcoming Events
Networking – Service – Fun

Discover Rotary in person – 4th Tuesdays of the month, 11AM & 3rd Tuesdays via zoom
Thursty Thursday – 1st Thursday of the month

Health & Happiness – 3rd Monday of the month

Coffee & Conversation 3rd Thursday of the month
Letter from the President
Rotarians are people of action, resilience, and commitment to making a difference. As we continue to adapt to a changing environment where uncertainty, frustration, and even sadness may exist, Rotary offers us a sense of hope, optimism, and well-being.
The Rotary Club of Greenville is rooted in the tradition of professional business networking, serving our community, and enjoying one another’s fellowship. It is Rotary’s mission to do good in the world and our theme for this year is “The Magic of Rotary”. As Rotarians we bring “magic” to our community — and the wider world — transformed for the better through our own lives and service. We would love to have you join us on that journey.
That journey involves a commitment to Rotary’s seven areas of focus:
Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution * Disease Prevention and Treatment * Water and Sanitation * Maternal and Child Health *
Basic Education and Literacy * Economic and Community Development * Supporting the Environment
Our service in Greenville includes our support of the Greenville Literacy Association, the awarding of “Service Above Scholarships” to students who have a demonstrated commitment to volunteerism, periodic conferences focused on peace and conflict resolution, and annual recognition lunches for outstanding educators and law enforcement personnel. We have also adopted Alexander Elementary School, a local Title I school, and provide support to its teachers, students and administration. Our reach also extends beyond Greenville into the wider world, where we have undertaken clean water projects in Haiti and Honduras. All these efforts require not only our hands-on service but also funds, which we raise in part through Greenville’s premier holiday festival, Kringle Village, now entering its fourth year.
Along the way we have FUN together, at fellowship outings, happy hours, and twice-monthly meetings, where entertaining speakers keep us informed about our community.
If you are interested in expanding your business network and serving the community, then Rotary might be the organization for you. Come check us out – the Rotary Club of Greenville has approximately 200 members and meets during lunch every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at the Westin Poinsett Hotel located in downtown Greenville. We have also recently added our “After Hours Club,” which meets once per month at 5:30 on the 4th Thursday in Local Cue on Orchard Park Dr.
Even better than coming to a meeting is learning about our Club (and Rotary International) through a twice-monthly program called Discover Rotary. It lasts approximately 45 minutes. You can register for Discover Rotary and find out more about joining our Club here:
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Roger Heitzeg, President