Date:May 28, 2016

Career Day

Career Day is Greenville Rotary’s premier Vocational Service Project – inviting High School Juniors for either a shadowing opportunity or a round table-style “career fair” spanning multiple career paths, hosted by Rotarians with experience in those same careers.  An extraordinary opportunity for Rotarians to share their insight & success while providing time for the students to have quality face time with professionals in their areas of career interest.

Career Day has three primary parts:

  • The Club Meeting & program itself, where the speaker and message is chosen based on relevance to student’s interests.
  • Shadowing  – Rotarians whose careers are suitable for in-person shadowing host one or more students at their workplace following the meeting, until roughly 3PM.
  • Career Cluster Roundtables – Rotarainas whose careers may not be suitable for in-person shadowing meet with students immediately following the meeting until roughly 3PM.